Water chiller
At the end of the evisceration line, birds have to be cooled and the cheapest system is the water chiller.
This system uses cold water to rapidly lower bird temperature and it is recommended in case of frozen products.
At the end of the evisceration line, birds have to be cooled and the cheapest system is the water chiller.
This system uses cold water to rapidly lower bird temperature and it is recommended in case of frozen products.
At the end of the evisceration line, carcasses have to be cooled and the cheapest system is the water chiller.
This system uses cold water: basically, birds are unloaded into the machine, which is equipped with a "screw" conveying them towards the exit; during this phase birds bathe in water which is maintained cold by means of ice or of a cooling system.
At the machine exit, birds move on to a dripping filter and possibly to a dripping/drying chain for an excellent final product.